Selectos de Castilla - 西班牙油封乳豬脾 Spain Suckling Pig Leg Confit - 870g

Selectos de Castilla - 西班牙油封乳豬脾 Spain Suckling Pig Leg Confit - 870g
Selectos de Castilla - 西班牙油封乳豬脾 Spain Suckling Pig Leg Confit - 870g
Selectos de Castilla - 西班牙油封乳豬脾 Spain Suckling Pig Leg Confit - 870g

Selectos de Castilla - 西班牙油封乳豬脾 Spain Suckling Pig Leg Confit - 870g

Regular price $258.00 Sale price $206.40
Tax included.
  • high quality standards
  • easily make at home
  • pick up in-store
  • free delivery over HK$500

🐖The suckling pig where meets the standard of the Animal Welfare, as during transport, unloading, to put stable and slaughter.

The piglets’🐖 only nutrients are the milk🍼 of their mother. They are slaughtered between the 21st and 28th day and its average weight is between 4.5 to 8Kg. Normally the exported piglet is much bigger between 9-15 Kg. That means older piglets that have been fed on mother’s milk and cereals. This you can observe not only in their weight but in the color of the piglet and the harsh smell of pig. The suckling pig flesh is white due to exclusive milk feeding.

🍗Suckling Pig Leg Confit is a leg of suckling pig simmered entirely in duck fat to retain its juicy, distinctive texture and authentic flavour. Natural, with no additives or preservatives, the sterilised product is kept in a dry place, does not need to be refrigerated and will keep for years, ready to eat around 20 minutes, a must have in the kitchen🍽.

Cooking Method

  1. Put the whole tin in warm water for 10-15mins
  2. Remove the suckling pig leg from tin, keep the duck oil in can🥫
  3. Prepare fews favor of side dishes such as potatoes🥔, tomatoes🍅, vegetables🥦, etc.
  4. Put them on the baking tray, place the piglet leg skin up on the side dishes
  5. Pour duck fat on the side dishes and the suckling pig leg
  6. Pre-heat the oven, Roast at 250 degree celcius for 20-25mins

😋If you want to have a BBQ flavor, you can coat it with honey🍯 when it comes out of the oven


🐖奶豬唯一的營養是它們母親的乳汁🍼。它們在第 21 至 28 天屠宰,平均體重在 4.5 至 8 公斤之間。 通常出口的奶豬多數較重約9-15 公斤左右。 這意味著用母乳和穀物餵養的大齡奶豬。 這一點你不僅可以從它們的體重中觀察到,還可以從奶豬的肉色和豬的刺鼻氣味中觀察到。哺乳期的豬肉是白色的,因為只餵母乳。


  1. 將整罐放入溫水中10-15分鐘,打開罐頭🥫
  2. 將奶豬脾🍗從罐頭里取出,鴨油留在罐頭里
  3. 準備一些喜歡的配菜如薯仔🥔、蕃茄🍅、蔬菜🥦等
  4. 將配菜放上烤盤,將奶豬脾皮朝上放上
  5. 在配菜和乳豬腿上澆上油鴨油
  6. 預熱烤箱,250度烤20-25分鐘


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