雲南野生白參菌 Yunnan Splitgill Mushrooms - 25g

雲南野生白參菌 Yunnan Splitgill Mushrooms - 25g
雲南野生白參菌 Yunnan Splitgill Mushrooms - 25g
雲南野生白參菌 Yunnan Splitgill Mushrooms - 25g

雲南野生白參菌 Yunnan Splitgill Mushrooms - 25g

Regular price $138.00
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  • high quality standards
  • easily make at home
  • pick up in-store
  • free delivery over HK$500

Splitgill Mushrooms, also known as Schizophyllum mushroom or white flower, belongs to the family Schizophyllum and is the fruiting body of the fungus Schizophyllum (tree flower). It is a rare mushroom with both food and medicine. Its mushroom has tough constitution, fragrant taste, delicious taste, rich nutrition and high medicinal value.

The polysaccharide (SPG) extracted from Splitgill Mushrooms can stimulate the activity of the mononuclear phagocyte system, has a significant defensive effect on chronic bacterial infection, and has an inhibitory effect on tumors; the organic acid produced by submerged mycelia is widely used in food , pharmaceutical industry and biochemistry.

In addition, wild Splitgill Mushrooms also has the effect of clearing the liver, improving eyesight, nourishing and strengthening the body, especially for children's night sweats, gynecological diseases, neurasthenia, dizziness and tinnitus.

白參菌,又名裂褶菌(Schizophyllum mushroom)、白花,屬裂褶菌科,是一種食藥兼用的珍稀菇菌。是真菌植物門真菌裂褶菌(樹花)的子實體。是一種食藥兼用的珍稀菇菌。其菇體質韌、味道清香、鮮美爽口,營養豐富,且有較高的藥用價值。


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